Here's the run down!

Hello & Welcome to I Am Able Solutions! I'm Ibrahim Mohamed, an independent Columbus, Ohio based Graphic designer and Web developer with a passion for turning ideas into tangible, worthwhile web businesses.

From Unique & Effective Branding to Front & Back-end web development solutions, I strive to provide only the best quality products that not only meet the standards of your industry but also sets you apart from the rest so you can focus on competing and improving against yourself rather than worrying about what the next follower in your industry are doing. There is no competition unless we create it for ourselves.

8-Step Web Design & Development process:

  1. Initial discovery

    In this stage we will evaluate your business and begin towards putting together a profile for your website best suited for your industry needs.
  2. Initial proposal

    Once we've pinpointed your industry and put together a profile for your website that best meets the standards of your industry needs, We will then move towards designing a UX/UI mockup of your new website.
  3. Brand break-in

    After designing the UX/UI mock of your new website, We will then focus on "Breaking-in" the new brand direction or a pre-existing one into the new design.
  4. Mobile First Front-end mockup

    Now that we've designed an effective web template together that meets the standard exception of your industry and sets you apart from other brands, We then begin developing a responsive mock-up template using front technologies (HTML, CSS, JS) for a watered down, interactive demo of your new website that can be viewed on both mobile and desktop devices.
  5. Data mockup & fine tuning

    All websites worth their effort hold data and that data needs to be processed from and to the server to not only relay data to the right people but to also insure security. In this stage we will develop the Client-Side data layer with javascript and the Server-Side data layer with the suitable backend technology.

    In this stage we will also be paying closer attention to detail not only to the UI/UX of the website but also to scaling, data handling and case expectations because anything can go wrong at anytime from a server failure to an attack..
  6. Pre-launching Testing, Launch preparation & Training

    We've designed an effective website that best meets the standards of your industry needs and sets you apart from the rest, Developed the Front & Back-end then fine-tuned it pre-launch for optimal quality and experience. Now we have fully functional, responsive website that not only looks great on most devices but Securely & effectively handles the data of your visitors and company.

    In this stage we will put this new application to the test, prepare for the public launch and train you & your staff on how to use the new addition to your busy family.
  7. Launch

    In this stage we've approved & checked everything off of our checklist, Trained you and your staff on how to use the brand new website. The website is fully functional and the public is dying to get their hands on the new ways to engage and access your business from the comfort of their mobile or desktop device. Congratulations, Today is launch day!
  8. Ongoing maintenance

    Awesome, Your brand new website is launched, your investors can enjoy the on-demand accessibility of a world wide web application and you can reap the benefits of having a scalable close eye on your business. Like any piece of man-made technology, Things are bound to go wrong, fixes, updates and regular technology are needed. Don't worry, We've got you covered. We provide regular updates and maintenance to maintain optimal quality and experience.

    We also offer 1 Free year of maintenance for any website made with us.

So, What are you waiting for? View my portfolio or get a FREE quote!